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  • Does the world really need another book about chords? Maybe. Because this one is different from other theory books - kind of. After all, the information is pretty much the same no matter what chord book you read. But, in Piano Chords For Everyone - The Triad, you not only get a straight, no-nonsense guide that's fun to read and gives you useful information about this super important part of music theory, you ALSO get that extra "secret sauce" that's in all of my courses. The secret sauce? That's where you take the information and USE IT by doing assignments directly related to the lesson. I always say, information is good, but if you don't use it to level up, it soon because little more than a memory. In this first book of the series, we do a deep dive into the simplest kind of chord - the triad. The triad is the basis for all other kinds of chords, so it's a pretty big deal. Can you play the piano without knowing chords? Absolutely. You do not need to know about chords to play the piano. But, if you really want to reach your full potential at the piano, you should definitely make yourself familiar with chords. Understanding chords, how they are made, what they are called, and how you can play them at the piano gives you a new set of tools to use so that you learn your pieces faster and are able to memorize them easier! You can even use your new skills to play by ear, improvise, compose, and play from sheet music with chord names! Are you ready to jump in and learn all about the triad? Let's do it!

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